We had a great In-Person OLCA 32nd Annual Breastfest Conference In-Person and On-Demand! Thank you all for your support. It's important to know that this is OLCA's only fundraiser to support our Scholarships and Grants. We left with new knowledge, and thoughts of making our own ripples of change.
We have new and returning faces for the OLCA positions newly elected. Please congratulate and welcome, President Elect-June Myers, Vice President-Carly Dulabon, Southeast Regional Representative-Amber Sheeks, and Southwest Regional Representative-Missy Courts.
The OLCA Conference Planning Team is planning next year's Breastfest. Do you have suggestions or want to be part of the team? Please consider joining us. Reach out through the website or to one of us. This is an excellent way to be involved and meet new friends in Ohio.
The next OLCA Member Meeting is on September 7th with more information to come. There will be free educational offerings for OLCA Members. This is part of your OLCA Member benefits. We did have a modest membeship dues increase this year. Dues haven't had an increase for over 15 years. Previous meeting minutes for June will be posted on the website for you to see what's going on in Ohio and your region. It was good to see one another again.
Enjoy the summer.
Laura Atkinson
OLCA President