The summer begins to close and we've enjoyed our vacations. OLCA has been busy with our next conference planning, committees, and meetings in-between the seasons's activities. Photo acknowledgement to my daughter, Heather, taken at the Outer Banks, NC.
August is National Breastfeeding Month, World Breastfeeding Week and Black Breastfeeding Week! What are you doing to celebrate? I can share your pictures and activities by sending me an email through the site to the OLCA President (please fill out the photo release form). I'll get them posted in Photos or What's New on the OLCA Website.
Join us for the September Member Meeting with educational offerings in the afternoon. The meeting and learning opportunities will be virtual only. Please check the website for details.
Save the date for next year's 33rd Annual Breastfest. March 14-15, 2025 at the Renaissance Columbus Westerville Hotel-Polaris. More details to come as we plan. I can tell you it's going to be great!
Lactation coverage can be stretched during the summer, but I hope you've spent time with your family and friends to enjoy.
Laura Atkinson
OLCA President